Undercurrent (Sand Dollar Shoal Book 1) Read online

Page 6

  Landon looked down at his hands which were now covered over by Noble's. He looked up at his host, narrowing his eyes.

  Fuck! Noble could see by the look in Landon's hazel eyes that he'd gone too far.

  "Name one person who is worthy of my trust?" Landon's voice was soft, his tone unreadable.

  "Me!" The word was out of Noble's mouth before he could think better of it.

  "You? I've known you for less than two days." Landon quirked a brow in challenge.

  "And you're still alive and kicking."

  Landon snorted. "So, you're saying I should trust you because you haven't killed me and buried me under the hotel...yet?"

  Noble laughed along with him. "Can't bury you. The ground is frozen solid." Noble squeezed their joined hands. "Landon, trust isn't an all or nothing thing. At least, it shouldn't be. In my mind, trust is something that builds over time."

  Landon tilted his head, as if he were considering Noble's words. "I suppose you're right, but I'll only be here for the night. That's hardly enough time to build any lasting trust between us."

  Maybe Noble was losing his mind but he thought he heard a sad tone in Landon's voice. Come to think of it, he wasn't thrilled with the idea of Landon leaving either. "What if you weren't here for one night?"

  Landon blanched. "What? You're kicking me out into the storm?"

  "No! Jesus, no." Did Landon really think he was that big of a dick? "You said you came down here hoping to break your writer's block and have one hundred pages to send to your agent by January 15th. Why don't you stay?"

  "Stay here? With you?" Landon looked confused.

  Noble laughed. "Yes. Stay Landon. I-I want you to stay." God help him, he meant it.

  “Stay here?”

  Charlie barked from her spot over near the fire and raced toward Landon, hopping into his lap.

  Noble laughed. “Looks like Charlie wants you to stay too, Uncle Landon. What do you say?”

  Landon's eyes narrowed again. "How much will you charge me?"

  Damn it! Landon was always so suspicious. Damn the people in his life who made him so mistrustful. "Free of charge, but-"

  "Here it comes." Landon raked a hand through his hair, his voice growing cold. "I knew you'd want something. What is it, sex?"

  It felt like Landon had punched his heart out and was squeezing it in his fist. "I was hoping you'd cook for us and work on the murals for the stairs and maybe help me out with two-man jobs like putting up drywall. The rest of the time you would be free to write."

  "Jesus Christ," Landon mumbled under his breath. "I'm such an asshole."

  "Yeah, you are." Noble pulled his hands back, grabbing his empty plate and carrying it off toward the kitchen.

  What the fuck was Landon's problem? As angry as Noble was at his temporary guest, he still knew that Landon's reaction to his invitation to stay had something to do with an incident in his past, rather than it being a reaction to Noble. Regardless, it still hurt like fuck.

  Noble sighed. "Charlie? Walkies!" He knew some time out in the cold would help him rein in his anger. He didn't want to still be angry at Landon the next time they saw each other.

  Why had Landon reacted that way? More specifically, who was the asshole who took advantage of him by using him for sex?


  Landon was a complete and total asshole. Noble had been nothing but kind to him all day and how did he repay that kindness? By accusing Noble of wanting him to pay for his room and board with his ass.

  He'd showed up here with no reservation and instead of kicking him out on said ass, Noble had invited him in for a hot lunch. Not only had Noble fed him, but he'd invited Landon to spend the night so he wouldn't have to drive in the snowstorm.

  Noble had offered him the ultimate gift by asking him to stay on for two weeks. Landon knew in his heart that being here at Sand Dollar Shoal was where he needed to be to write this book. He knew it like he knew his own name.

  Landon couldn’t believe his ears at Noble’s offer. Before that, his host had been more than generous offering him a place to stay for the last night and tonight while the snow piled up outside. Offering him the chance to stay here and give writing his book a chance was more than Landon could ever have hoped for.

  While he'd been making dinner for them, he thought he heard Marcus Pike mumbling in his head. Grabbing his dinner plate and Logan's empty soda can, Landon headed back to the kitchen.

  By the time he was finished cleaning up the pots and pans he'd used to cook, Noble still wasn't back from walking Charlie. It said a lot that instead of being angry and fighting with him, Noble had gone outside to cool off.

  He settled himself back at his spot in front of the picture window and pulled his laptop out of the bag. Finding a power outlet in front of table, Landon plugged it in and turned it on.

  After going through his email, mostly spam and a notification that the public library would be closed again tomorrow due to the storm, Landon opened the Word document simply titled "Book Two."

  Setting his hands on the home row, he started rubbing his fingers over the keys in a circular motion. It was a silly habit, but it helped him to focus, kind of like a fortune teller with the way she rubs her crystal ball. Hearing Marcus' voice clear as a bell, Landon started to type.

  "Jesus Christ!" Noble called from across the room when the staccato beat of Landon's hands on the keyboard stopped.

  "Hmm?" Noble's voice shook Landon out of his writing coma. Looking around the room, he could see Noble lying on his mattress holding his Kindle, Charlie cuddled up at his side. He also noticed Noble had made his bed for him. He’d left it messy when they’d gotten up this morning.

  "Are you okay?" Noble sat up, the blanket falling off his naked chest to pool on his hips.

  Shit! Was Noble naked under that blanket? Landon's mouth went dry, his cock stirring to life with a vengeance. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just really in the zone, you know?"

  "Yeah, I know. You haven't stopped hammering that keyboard for over two hours."

  "Was I bothering you?" Landon stood up, moving toward Noble like a moth to a flame.

  "Not at all. It was like white noise."

  Sitting on the second mattress, Landon raised a speculative eyebrow at his host. "Seriously?" Now that he was closer, he could see Noble was wearing a pair of slate blue thermal pants which were hugging low on his hips. He wasn't naked, but it sure as hell wouldn't take much to make him that way.

  "Seriously. I was hoping we could talk for a bit once I came back in with Charlie. She ran around while I shoveled the walk and the stairs again. When we came in, you were writing almost furiously and I didn't want to interrupt you."

  "What have you been up to, besides making my bed for me?" No one had done anything this nice for him in a long time.

  "Well," Noble grinned. "I went up to the widow's walk and shoveled it off. The guest rooms don't have any heat yet, which is why I've been sleeping down here in front of the fire. Then, I took a shower. I’ve been reading your book ever since."

  "Wow," Landon murmured. "I must have really been out of it if I didn't hear you stomping up and down the stairs."

  "Yeah, it was like you were in a trance. I bet you didn't even notice Charlie sitting at your feet while you wrote. She wouldn't leave your side until ten minutes ago when I had a snack."

  Landon reached out for the puppy whose ears perked up at hearing her name. "Thank you for loving me even though I was a dick to your Daddy." Landon buried his hands in the puppy's soft fur, laughing when she started licking his hand.

  "A dick, huh?" Noble pinned Landon with his too-blue eyes.

  "The biggest dick on planet earth. I'm so sorry I accused you of wanting to have your wicked way with me as a means of earning my keep."

  Noble's stern demeanor cracked and he started to laugh. "Apology accepted." He busied himself with shutting down his Kindle and rearranging his blanket. "Tell me why you reacted that way."

  Landon sighed, sounding li
ke the weight of the world was on his shoulders. "I will, I promise. Just give me a minute to change, deal?"

  "Deal." Noble nodded.


  Noble could hear Landon rustling around in his suitcase. He was probably looking for something to wear to bed and his toothbrush. What sounded like a shirt hit the floor and he couldn't resist turning around. What he saw took his breath away.

  Landon was facing away from him, his bare back and freckles on full display. Noble could see Landon's little love handles and instead of being turned off by them, his hands curled into fists so he wouldn't be tempted to get up and grab Landon from behind.

  His cock stirred to life in his sleep pants as Landon wiggled his jeans down his ass to puddle on his feet. Landon was wearing boxer shorts covered in red chili peppers. "Hot stuff," Noble murmured, instantly hoping Landon didn't hear him.

  "Put your glasses on." Landon snorted, reaching for his flannel sleep pants.

  "Please! My vision is perfect." Noble couldn't help feeling disappointed as Landon pulled up his pants, covering his creamy skin and plump ass. Jesus Christ, the things he'd do to that ass.

  "You're drooling." Landon grinned, grabbing for a tee shirt and held it up to cover his chest and stomach.

  Noble licked across his full bottom lip, unable to take his eyes off Landon. "Stop hiding from me. I won't bite."

  "Why would you want to?" Landon rolled his eyes and slipped into his shirt.

  "You're gorgeous," Noble said simply. Why bother lying?

  "Now I know you need glasses. I'm plump and chubby like the Pillsbury dough boy." He crossed the room and hit the switch for the dining room lights. The room was instantly bathed in firelight.

  "Are you gonna giggle if I poke your belly?"

  Raising an eyebrow, Landon folded back the blanket on his bed. "Let's not find out, huh?"

  Noble rolled over onto his side so he was facing Landon. "I think you're perfect the way you are, but if you like we could go for W-A-L-K-S while you're here."

  "What do you mean?"Landon lay back on his mattress, looking up at the ceiling, folding his hands on his ample tummy.

  "Charlie needs to go for W-A-L-K-S anyway, so why not kill two birds with one stone? The food I've got here sucks, but we could take the truck out in the morning, once the roads are plowed and go food shopping. Get stuff for salads and lean meats." Noble studied Landon in the firelight. If he hadn't been watching him so closely, he would have missed the tiny nod.

  Noble grinned, running his hands along Charlie's fur. The puppy licked his face. "Daddy loves you, Charlie girl. Yes, he does."

  Landon snorted from his mattress, which was only a foot or so away from Noble's. "You look like such a tough guy on the outside, but on the inside, you’re as sweet as a kitten."

  Noble covered Charlie's ears. "We don't say the "K" word."

  Landon laughed, rich and full. "Now I've heard everything." He wiggled onto his side, pillowing his face on his folded hands. "I dated this guy awhile back who made me pay for everything with sex."

  Pay? What kind of motherfucker was this asshat? "What do you mean pay?" Noble asked carefully.

  "Dinners out or spending the night at his place or if I, uh..." Landon trailed off.

  Charlie whined and pulled away from Noble, moving over to lick Landon's face and settle in at his side.

  "Thanks, sweet girl." Landon pressed kisses against her head, running his hands along her flank.

  "If you what?" Noble's voice was barely above a whisper. He had a feeling he knew what Landon was going to say. If that bastard had put his hands on Landon in any way, he'd hunt the fucker down and put his hands on him.

  "If I got out of line. Questioned him. Ordered an expensive meal. Shit like that." Landon shut his eyes as if he was trying to stop seeing those memories in his mind and buried his face in Charlie's fur.

  "How did he make you pay for those things?" Noble held his breath, feeling the anger in his gut boil.

  Landon shrugged. "He'd choke me with his dick or wouldn't use enough lube. Stuff like that."

  “Sadistic bastard.” Noble had a feeling there was a lot more to it than what Landon was saying. The one thing that had stood out about Landon was his lack of self-confidence. After his father left the family and his mother abandoned him for Jack Daniels, it wasn't any wonder that Landon hooked up with the first man who showed any interest in him. "Landon, any man who would treat you like that isn't worthy of your time. Sex should be something special between two people, not a form of punishment."

  "I know." Landon's voice was small and muffled by Charlie.

  "Did he…” Noble took a deep breath, not wanting to ask the question, but needing to know all the same. "Did he hit you?"

  "Yeah. Giving me a black eye was the final straw. I broke up with him after that."

  "How old were you?"

  "Nineteen. I've only had random hook-ups since then. One-night stands so no one can get too close."

  "Why don't you want anyone getting close?"

  "When you let someone in, they learn your secrets. They learn how to hurt you."

  "Not every man is like that, Landon." Noble knew Landon didn't believe him, but that wasn't going to stop him from showing him it was the truth.


  Landon’s eyes blinked open when Charlie shifted away from him. She stood and stretched, putting her powerful jaws on display. The puppy might only be six months old, but Landon had no doubt she could do some serious damage with those teeth.

  Nestling deeper into his covers, Landon’s eyes fell on Noble who was still sleeping. He was lying on his side, facing Landon with his blankets pulled up to his chin. He was beautiful in his sleep. His face was relaxed with every bit of tension gone from his body.

  Noble looked at peace, which was more than Landon could say for himself. His mind was in turmoil and for the first time in the last three months it had nothing to do with his unwritten book. It had to do with the maddeningly handsome man sleeping mere inches from him.

  Landon was thankful his hands were under the covers so he wasn’t able to reach out and touch his sleeping host. With all of the random lovers he’d had over the years, Landon could never remember a time he wanted to reach out and casually touch them. When it came to his fuck buddies, that’s all those men were there for: fucking, hard and fast. His growing feelings toward Noble were so far from the norm for him that they were making him edgy.

  “Mornin’” Noble’s bright blue eyes popped open, his lips curving into a smile.

  Landon felt a blush creeping up his neck. He hoped Noble didn’t think he’d been perving on him in his sleep, which of course was exactly what he’d been doing. “Good morning. How’d you sleep?”

  Noble sat up, shrugging his broad shoulders. “I was up a lot last night. Had to keep shoveling off the widow’s walk.”

  “Every time you got up, I woke up too. I felt so bad that there was nothing I could do to help you.”

  Noble grinned. “Oh you’ll help all right. After breakfast we’re gonna clean up the snow and try to go out food shopping. It seemed to have stopped snowing around 3am. I’m hoping it didn’t start up again with more ocean-effect snow.”

  Landon returned Noble’s easy smile. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Why don’t you take Charlie for her morning you-know-what? I’ll make breakfast for all of us and then we can get going with the clean up. I’m gonna work on a shopping list while you’re doing your thing. Is there anything you want me to add to the list?”

  There were a million things Landon wanted him to add to the list. Pounds of chocolate, microwave popcorn, nacho fixings and enough frozen pizza to build a fort with, but he wasn’t going to ask for any of those things. “How about a bag of marshmallows?”

  Noble laughed. “It did feel like sleep-away camp last night with us both sacked out on the floor, didn’t it?”

  “All that it was missing was s’mores and scary campfire stories.” It was also missing a go
odnight kiss from his handsome host, but Landon knew the only reason Noble had kissed him in the first place was because he was feeling vulnerable and needed comforting.

  Not that their kiss was at all comforting. It was red-hot lava. Landon had been so immersed in the feel of Noble’s lips on his own that he never felt the cold or the snow lashing against his exposed skin.

  “I’ll add the things to make s’mores to the list. I was also thinking we should make a hearty beef stew. How does that sound?”

  “I have the best beef stew recipe saved on my computer.”

  “Is it idiot proof?” Noble burst out laughing.

  “How about we shop together, but I’ll cook and you clean up?” Landon crossed his arms over his chest.

  Noble groaned, flopping backward onto his pillow. Charlie hopped on his stomach and started licking his face.